All our programs have high requirements for completion. This is designed with one aim in mind which is to graduate professional coaches at world class level so as to form a network of professional coaches specialized in different segments to support organizations and individuals across the globe.
All the certifications are based on the Transcendence Model of coaching; The model that depicts the DNA of coaching. The Transcendence Model is a coaching process designed based on lengthy research of applied coaching practices over 15 years by professional and masterful coaches. This process enables a deep conversation that allows the client to experience various transformation moments allowing him/her to bridge from one stage to another with a deeper understanding and higher awareness as well as a more empowered self.
The Transcendence Model opens the door for clients to undergo a self-discovery to see their own self through a new lens and explore the true inner potential that will open up the capacity to take steps towards the desired future. This path enables the client to transition from the past to the present while eyeing on the future.

Level 1  Fundamental Skills For Professional Coaches
Become a certified professional coach build a career as a professional coach and start impacting the world...

Level 2  Advanced Skills For Professional Coaches
Enhance your career and sharpen your skills to create a deeper impact...

 Team Coaching Certification Program
Designed to enhance the strategic communication and elicit effective management approach across the team...